An elimination diet for cats with skin conditions regardless of etiology.
Recommended in adverse reactions and food allergies.
The diet contains a selected and limited to one source of animal protein (turkey), which reduces the risk of allergy in the case of other types of protein and allows its use as an elimination diet
A grain-free, gluten-free diet
The diet does not contain any grains or gluten, which minimizes the risk of intolerance and allergy to cereal proteins
It supports the restoration of the correct microflora, strengthening local immunity
It limits the formation of oxygen free radicals, inhibits degranulation of mast cells and thus reduces the inflammatory reaction
特性 | 功效 |
單一蛋白 | 含有特選的單一動物蛋白(火雞),降低了因其他類型蛋白質引發的過敏風險,亦可用作食物排除療法。 |
無穀物、無麩質餐單 | 不含任何穀物或麩質,降低因穀物蛋白引致的不耐症和過敏風險。 |
菊粉 | 有助恢復正常的菌群,增強局部免疫力。 |
螺旋藻 | 限制自由基形成,抑壓肥胖細胞去顆粒作用,從而減少發炎 |
Cat body weight (kg) | <2 | 2-4 | 4-6 | 6-8 |
Number of cans (100g / cat / day) | ½-1½ | 1½- 2½ | 2½-3½ | 3½-4 |