Introducing Lite. Our basics collection that’s anything but. With fun colour combos that match any coat, this is one minimalist range that’s here to steal hearts in a big way. Featuring the same reliable comfort you already love and trust, you’ll find yourself reaching for these go-to staples over and over again. Until you reach for another shade, of course.

Time for supersized fun. The Gentle Pup Maxi Harness features a Y-shape design that simulates a leash-free experience for big boys and girls. Its innovative construct disperses pressure over your pup’s body, which reduces strain on neck and back while enabling unrestricted movement and play.
With 4 adjustable points, the same secure buckle as our tried-and-tested collars and Easy Harness, plus a front and back ring for leash-training and easy attachment—you can now enjoy both worry-free strolls and the occasional dog run bolt.
A safer way for your pup to live his best life.
Did you know? Constant leash-pulling can increase the chances for neck/trachea injuries, particularly for brachycephalic breeds. Avoid issues like constricted vessels and increased blood pressure in your dog’s neck, which can lead to heightened intraocular pressure (IOP). Select the right harness and eliminate both daily discomfort and irreversible damage.
Find your dog’s perfect fit with our Easy Harness for smaller builds, or the Maxi Harness for medium to large-sized dogs.
Size Chart


是時候享受超大樂趣了。 Gentle Pup Maxi Harness 採用 Y 形設計,為狗狗帶來無束縛的體驗。其創新結構可分散幼犬身體的壓力,減少頸部和背部的壓力,同時實現不受限制的運動和玩耍。
具有 4 個可調節點、與我們久經考驗的項圈和 Easy Harness 相同的安全帶扣,以及用於牽引繩訓練和輕鬆連接的前後環 - 您現在可以享受無憂漫步和偶爾的狗跑螺栓.
你知道嗎?持續拉牽引繩會增加頸部/氣管受傷的機會,特別是對於短頭顱品種。避免諸如血管收縮和狗脖子血壓升高等問題,這會導致眼內壓 (IOP) 升高。選擇正確的安全帶,消除日常不適和不可逆轉的傷害。